10 Big Gym Problems
AI + Automation Solves

We've engaged with fitness operators worldwide to understand the challenges they face in consistently delivering excellent member experiences and achieving predictable revenue growth.

Dive in to discover how AI partnered with automations is the answer to the most prevalent pain points gym operators experience today.

Membership Sales

Challenge: Managing Leads And Increasing Conversion Rates

Ensuring timely lead follow-up and identifying which leads deserve the most attention is no easy task and it's a problem many operators tear their hair out troubleshooting. Partner that with under-resourced teams and it's a mountain you can't climb without technology on your side.

Do these challenges resonate with you?

Top 5 Pain Points:

  • No coherent sales process to manage every inquiry
  • Lead follow-up process is inefficient - leads get overlooked
  • Ad hoc prospect engagements don't convert
  • Identifying the leads most likely to convert is a guessing game
  • Sales reporting is too basic - no opportunity to be strategic

    Timely Lead Assignments
    And Workflows Made Simple

    Easily build structured sales processes, providing your revenue-focused team with precise plays for each stage. Leverage a range of triggers to auto-assign leads to the right rep at the right time, auto-enrol into communication sequences or a combination of both.

    No Lead Left Behind
    With Automated Follow-Up

    Whether you're struggling with a small sales team or no sales team at all, build automated lead follow-up communications across email, SMS, and Whatsapp to ensure each potential member inquiry is acknowledged promptly and the appropriate invitation or offer is extended

    Up to 60% More Sales
    With Smart Lead Scoring

    Through our unique lead scoring system your sales team will know which leads are most likely to convert, saving time and resources being wasted on prospects with no real intention. We seamlessly categorize and classify leads based on behavior, empowering your team to convert more.

    Make Data Driven Decisions
    with Smart Forecasts

    Gain critical insight into your sales team's effectiveness with intelligent revenue forecasts based on leads, sales, and conversions. Anticipate future trends and empower your team to make more strategic decisions.

    Attribute Every Lead
    from Every Source

    Track and manage gym lead sources on one platform. Understand lead origins and high-conversion sources, enabling your sales and marketing operations to continuously optimize campaigns for conversion.

    Nurturing Content
    That Packs A Punch

    Craft engaging content for email, blogs, and social media with our smart content creator, build beautiful newsletters in our built-in marketing hub, and hyper-personalize communication sequences for the leads that need the extra mile.
Membership Engagement & Retention

Challenge: Proactively Preventing Membership Churn

If members are churning sooner than expected or you’re struggling to engage with your member base then the issue isn't retention, it's insight. It can feel like the member intel you need to engage, delight, and retain members is a myth, right?

Any of this sound familiar?

Top 5 Pain Points:

  • Churn outpaces our Membership team - they don't see it coming
  • Difficulty winning back and re-onboarding lapsed members
  • No effective member journey to automatically reward and incentivize loyal members
  • Member content is limited to basic club announcements and confirmation emails
  • No way to leverage individual member insights, interests or personal goals

    Early Churn Warning
    With 95% Accuracy

    Gain 95% accurate member intelligence with Keepme Score - powered by the latest in AI and Machine Learning technology. Leverage smart insights that pinpoint members who exhibit behaviors indicative of future churn risk. Gain clear insight into high-value members and real-time opportunities to cross-sell and upsell to them. No more charts without action, Keepme provides practical insights and the tools to take action on.

    Automate Member Journeys
    That Reward And Refer

    Build member journeys that trigger when members meet behavioral and activity triggers you set. Activity milestone met? Treat them with a discounted class pack to cross-sell them into something new. Membership duration more than 12 months? Target them with an NPS survey and reward positive responses with guest passes and a special referral offer to share with friends and family.

    Smart Marketing Sequences
    That Win Back Faster

    Win back more lapsed members with a considerate yet steady stream of exclusive incentives and club information across email, SMS, and WhatsApp. Set your desired lapsed duration as a trigger and build automated marketing sequences with personalized content based on their interests, special offers, information about new facilities, revised class scheduling, and more.

    Segment And Hyper-Personalize
    By Member Interests

    Leverage zero-party data (the 'interest' information they volunteer) to craft and deploy truly personalized, automated communications at scale. Further segment your audience with information from first-party activity data and you have a winning recipe for member loyalty. Want to engage your most active members who also have an interest in {Reformer Pilates}, with early access to a brand NEW class-pack offer? Easy.

    Gym Content Production
    At Your Finger Tips

    Easily craft engaging, well-written, on-brand content for your website, emails, and social channels with our AI-assisted content creator. Write helpful guides and advice articles in your brand tone-of-voice, designed to keep your club at the top of your member's minds. Nurture a reputation for regularly providing high-value content that supports their wellness journey and lifestyle choices.

    Member Newsletters
    That Build Community

    Delight, engage, and build community among your members with beautifully designed newsletters that make them feel part of your journey. Effortlessly create on-brand blasts with our intuitive drag-and-drop email builder. Designed for accessibility, anyone can design and craft engaging campaigns, ensuring your club shines through every email.

Ready To Overcome Your Challenges?

If these challenges resonate with your team, we're ready to assist. As operators ourselves, our team understands the fitness industry nuances and the Keepme platform inside out.

Schedule a personalized walkthrough to discover how Keepme was built to address your unique challenges.

Craft Exceptional Gym Content with AI in Your Team

Introducing the World's First AI-Assisted Content Writing tool for fitness operators. In a world where personalization and creativity are paramount, Keepme Creator provides gym teams with a powerful set of 'smart' tools to optimize the content writing process.